Official’s Corner: One Day Licenses & 15 Minute Protest Period

One Day Licenses can be purchased for entry to races that are open to cat 5 men and cat 4 women only. This means that male riders cannot purchase a one day license to enter a cat 1,2,3,or 4 race, or a masters 35+ cat 1/2/3 race. Male riders may purchase a one day license to enter a masters cat 4/5 race or in a masters 50+ or 60+.

15 Minute Protest Period. The rule regarding a 15 minute protest period is often misunderstood. The rule states:

1M7. Results posting. The Chief Judge will inform the riders of the time and place where the results will be posted or announced, and the Chief Judge shall be available there to resolve any protest. Prizes may not be distributed until all protests which affect the podium and awards have been answered and at least 15 minutes have passed since the results were announced.

Note that the rule applies only to protests that affect the podium or awards. It is the rider’s responsibility to verify his finish placement prior to the awards or purse being paid out. This does not mean that results cannot be changed after this time. Results may be changed after this 15 minute protest period and even days later if upon review there has been found to be an error, but there will be no corrections to the prize payout after the 15 minute protest period has passed. It is the desire of USA Cycling, FBRA, and officials that races are scored correctly and all rides placed in their proper finishing order. Riders should contact the chief judge at an event to protest the finish results, or may contact the FBRA Webmaster at a later date if you think there has been an error in your placement or need your team name amended. The Webmaster will forward your request to the proper individual.