FRS-CX Rankings – Licenses and Club Names

The 2014-15 FRS-CX Rankings have been updated to reflect the first 2 weekends of racing.  Riders and clubs must hold a USA Cycling annual license to participate in the FRS-CX Standings.  A rider’s club name is that club or team listed on the rider’s license. Clubs may have team names in addition to club names. All riders’ licenses must have identical club and or team names to be scored together as one club. It is suggested that clubs use club names only or identical club and team names to avoid scoring issues.  If a rider’s club name is missing or needs to be changed, you may contact Keith at  and he can change your club affiliation at no cost. If you wish to have a new copy of your license with the amended club name, you will need to log on to your USAC account and request a license reissue at a cost of $20. Any questions regarding the FRS-CX Standings should be directed to Keith at .