Nomination Process

On Nov 11 and amended on Nov 13 the Board has voted to allow the extension of the Nomination Process to accept 2 late nominations and accept any further nominations that may come in prior to the new deadline of Nov 16 at 11:59 PM. To make a further nomination view the 2015 Nomination & Elections.

The voting process is currently open and you may place your votes as instructed below. 


  • You must hold an “active” USAC road rider, official, or race director license residing in the state of Florida as per your USAC license to participate in this process. Riders must hold a road license which covers the disciplines of road, cyclocross, and track, the disciplines that the FBRA represents for USA Cycling in Florida.
  • Due to USA Cycling’s new one license for 2014, beginning Dec. 1 for new or renewal racing licenses, you must declare road, cyclocross or track as your primary discipline to be eligible to vote.
  • Your vote must be submitted from the email address that is registered with your account at USA Cycling to certify your vote.
  • You may vote once for up to three (3) Nominees
  • Please email your “VOTE” for the listed Nominees directly to  with the subject labeled FBRA VOTE. You must include your name, e-mail address, and USAC license number on your email vote. To certify your vote it must be sent from your e-mail address as listed in your USA Cycling account.
  • Voting Results – Results will be provided by Dec 1.  Those elected will be informed and the results posted in an email to the membership and on the FBRA website.

Nominees who accepted their nomination are Greg Cousins, Darren Dowling, Tim Molyneaux, Christian Viera, Christian Carlqvist Henrich, Jared Zimlin, Henry Willis, and Amir Wexler. 
Individuals nominated, but did not accept:  Keith Creeden, Amy Good and Brent Lucas.

The newly elected members will serve for two years and join Tracy Mullins, Eric Stubbs, Graham Partain, and Vincent Cook who will be remaining for the second year of their two year term.

Scroll down to view the nominees and their platforms.

Name Platform
Darren Dowling
[email protected]
As a national level Junior and U23 rider growing up in the UK, I saw the start of what is now one of the strongest development programs in the world. I was also a witness to many mistakes that hindered the growth of the sport before the now well-known success. I was lucky enough to receive help from my local cycling club, my local county council along with other development programs such as the South East Center of Excellence, which allowed me to race in Belgium on the weekends and spend my summers racing in Holland, taking part in races even at the UCI world cup level.
I would like to use my international experience to help move the sport of cycling forward in the state of Florida. I feel there is still much work to be done in creating a solid foundation for not only building the junior base of this sport, but also in supporting and developing the talent throughout the ranks, giving them the best chance of success. Due to this, I would like to see the following implemented.
1. A junior grant program aimed at helping individual riders travel and race at bigger events out of the state.
2. I would like to see more local Cycling Clubs be created and for present ones to become a part of the racing scene. It is my opinion that clubs are the backbone of the growth of cycling, being a development standpoint for juniors. Cycling Clubs are also fundamental in the growth of category 4-5 racers. Year after year we see teams come and go, riders looking for a team to see what the "best deal" is for them. This concept and model is not sustainable and only halts the growth at every level in the sport.

I would also like to see a composite team of the best riders in FL all ride together at races like The Winston-Salem Cycling Classic, giving them the chance to gain valuable experience in much larger events.
All in all, I want to bring a fresh look on how to grow the sport at all levels.
I hope to earn your vote and thank you for the opportunity to further the sport in Florida.
Greg Cousins
[email protected]
I live in Pompano Beach with my wife Sheila, and have been here for 17 years. I have raced in every men's USAC category in Florida, and my wife has raced in each of the women's. I have also raced coast to coast in many major races. I have competed in most of the series, and major events in Florida. I actively support bicycle racing at many levels, and have a vested interest in women's cycling as well as men's. I am a strong advocate of "clean" racing. I work in financial services in Boca Raton. I have degrees in finance and economics, and several other financial designations. I would hope to combine some of my knowledge and skills with the other board members of the FBRA to promote bicycle racing in Florida.
As a past director of the FBRA, I do feel Florida racing is moving in a better direction, but there is still much work to be done.
1) Bigger Social Media Presence. FBRA needs to request or require all race promoters to utilize social media services like Twitter and Instagram with an official hashtag for each event, near live unofficial results posting, and race updates. Live streaming finish line video should also be available for every race.
2) We need more resources devoted to developing women's racing. Perhaps even hiring some experts to help us with this.
3) Our Florida State Championships should not be a part of any racing series, and ideally feature both age-based and category-based races. I do not support a masters B State Time Trial.
4) I am not a supporter of an overall Florida Points Championship. I feel this lowers the quality of racing, and forces promoters to offer too many race classes at each event.
5) Continued support for the Clean Ride Fund, US Anti-Doping, and World Anti-Doping Associations. I would hope to educate riders more on their efforts and resources as well as make both in and out of competition testing more common in Florida.
If elected, I would be a voice for each of these goals. Thank you for your consideration.
Christian Carlqvist Henrich [email protected] My name is Christian Carlqvist Henrich, and I'm asking for your vote for a spot on the board of the FBRA for next year. I got my USCF licence in 1992, I believe it was the first year they had Category 5 on the road. I moved to Florida in 1996 as a Cat 3 and did a fair amount of road racing, and a little bit of MTB, before my "retirement" in 2000 to ride BMX bikes. Cyclocross brought me back to USA Cycling in 2008, and it remains my main focus on the bike.

I have had experience off the bike at many levels. I currently manage a bike shop, and have worked on and off in the cycling industry for almost twenty years now. I have served as race director and created frame work for new race directors to get grass roots cycling programs off the ground. In the past 5 years I have worked hard to responsibly grow cyclocross in Florida and give this up and coming sport a place in the Florida cycling community. I see cyclocross growth being a big benefit to all disciplines and hope to see a global growth of cycling at all levels of the sport in Florida.
Currently, I am a Cat 2 MTB, Cat 3 Cyclocross, and Cat 4 road racer, as well as a USA Cycling Race Director.

My platform is simple.
1. I would like to work on a coordinated schedule of all bicycle races in Florida, including better coordination with Gone Riding and other Mountain Bike Racing Promoters. I understand that Mountain Bike Racing doesn't fall under the FBRA purview, but I feel that it would benefit promoters of all types of racing as well as racers to not have a calender with two or three events overlapping on the same dates.
2. I would like to see all aspects of cycling represented equally.
3. I would like to see more gravel/dirt road races on the calender.
4. I would like to see continued fiscal responsibility with FBRA funds.
5. I would like to see the FBRA utilize technology better to reach out to its members to inform them of upcoming events. I have extensive experience with the internets.
6. America.
Thank you.
Christian Viera [email protected] Native from Caracas, Venezuela
Grew up in Tampa, FL
Currently living in Miami FL since 1996
Been cycling for 6 years
Racing formally for the last 3
Member of a Racing team "TTR Racing" based out of Hollywood, FL
Raced the FBRA points system and the Rosewood Series in South FL
My intent with my nomination is to have SFL presence on the board, to bridge the gap we currently have between SFL and the rest of the state for racing venues and activities. SFL has a huge cycling community that continues to grow and with that growth comes opportunity to create bigger and better events.
Tim Molyneaux [email protected] Resume:
USAC racer for the past 28 years. In the past I have held licenses as a coach and official.
I have promoted over 350 days of USAC Races over the past 15 years.
I am founding member of the FRCA Board of Directors and served 7 years on the board.

My goal in re-joining the board will have three areas of focus;
1. Create lower barriers for new USAC racers in the entry areas of juniors, women, collegiate and category 5
2. Work hard to make USAC races more appealing to the large number of racers that we already have
3. Help the board organize a workable season long calendar.
Henry Willis [email protected] If elected to the board I will do my best to be an active member and participate in all activities that the board undertakes. I will represent all facets of the cycling community fairly but with an emphasis on making sure that juniors, women and new cyclists in the racing community are represented. I will also work to help grow the sport from the grass roots level getting more involvement from all members of the racing community and the cycling community at large.
Jared Zimlin [email protected] Having served the previous two seasons as President of FBRA, I have been proud be part of a board that was instrumental in implementing several programs.

Masters B. We recognized the majority of Cat 5 racers were of the masters age. However, previously, those riders first experience at a race was with a mixed field of Cat 1-2's. This combined with higher costs to try our sport between entries, 1 day license, travel and chip rental lead to masters Cat 5 racers being 1 race and done. We introduced the Masters 35 1-2-3 to fix the 15 rider 30 plus fields with more competition while giving new Cat 4-5 masters a more competitive race to try our sport and a better first experience. If elected for another term, I will work with Promoters and USAC to lower the barriers even more for new racers by looking at cost solutions for road, cross and track.

Juniors - We implemented a grant program to encourage programs. USAC and we recognized young racers excel more with guidance. The grants were successful in 2014 and we have already implemented and are accepting bids for 2015 junior programs guided by a mentor that understands the Olympic Movement's Safe Sport Program and can provide positive proper guidance to get Florida juniors to the next level. If re-elected I will make sure we are providing funds to have programs that can get Florida Juniors off to a great start.

Cyclo-Cross and FBRA - A huge chasm that existed before I was on the board was that of Cyclo-Cross and FBRA. USA Cycling places Cyclo-Cross under the FBRA with funding for programs. However, Cyclo-Cross was left out of FBRA decisions and not able to have equal representation, forcing them to form a separate group in order to properly administer a quality season. The driver's of FLCX have done a tremendous job. My goal was to make sure if money was being paid to FBRA for Cross license holders, they have a spot at the table. I reached out. Sifted through several years of bad-blood to open a dialogue. We as a board now provide web support, series tabulation and scoring as well as have cross racers on the FBRA board. This is the fastest growing segment of cycling in the US. We made the moves to be sure the association in charge of this sport at least had an open door to working with those who know this sport best.

Florida Clean Ride Fund - Finally is the project that Ryan Saylor and I started 4 years ago that is now a national program. The Florida Clean Ride Fund was a one of it's kind idea at it's inception. It is now part of the national Race Clean Program. For some it's about who is cheating. For us it is about showing Florida is a place to race where it is fair, clean and the riders we produce who go to the next level are clean. We have tested at the toughest road races, all State road events and several other smaller events. If elected, I will ensure this program continues as a positive force in our state so every rider who pays an entry fee, spends money on food, travel, and spends countless hours working to be their best, has a fair shot at clean racing with no soiled results. As for those cheating still...we will be testing in 2015 and we will be testing at different events than before.

This is a long winded platform, but I wanted you all to know what I have done with my previous 2 years along with the FBRA board and people behind the scenes like Craig Creeden and now Amy Good. If re-elected, I will work to make sure when you go to a race, FBRA provides you the tools, resources and support you deserve. There are still gaps to close, be they working to make our huge South Florida community feel more included to trying to find ways to attract new racers to Cat 5 and Women's racing. If you feel I will work hard for you, please vote for me. Either way, see you at the races.
Amir Wexler [email protected] My name is Amir Wexler – an active cyclist for the past 35+ year. Growing up in Haifa, Israel, I started riding mount Carmel at age 14, competing throughout Europe and participating at the 1992 World Championship.

Over the past 8 years I have been racing in FL and am now taking a leadership role in a local racing team in South FL. My connection with cycling is more than riding – I am the importer of cycling gear to Israel and managing online cycling store to the Israeli market.

My goals as a board member is to:

1. Promote a single racing season throughout 11 months of the year

2. Reduce continuous races (weekend after another)

3. With the help of sponsors reduce the cost of racing enrollment

4. Promote more racing in South Florida