VOTE NOW for the 2018 FBRA Board of Directors


  • You must hold an “active” USAC road rider, official, or race director license residing in the state of Florida as per your USAC license to participate in this process. Riders must hold a road license which covers the disciplines of road, cyclocross, and track, the disciplines that the FBRA represents for USA Cycling in Florida.
  • Your vote must be submitted from the email address that is registered with your account at USA Cycling to certify your vote.
  • You may vote once for up to four (4) Nominees
  • Please email your “VOTE” for the listed Nominees directly to  with the subject labeled FBRA VOTE. You must include your name, e-mail address, and USAC license number on your email vote. To certify your vote it must be sent from your e-mail address as listed in your USA Cycling account.
  • Voting ends at 11:59pm on December 22, 2017
  • Voting Results – Results will be provided by Dec 29.  Those elected will be informed and the results posted in an email to the membership and on the FBRA website.

The 4 newly elected members will serve for two years and join Ryan Woodall, Joshua Thornton and Carl Sundquist who will be remaining for the second year of their two year term.

Nominees who accepted their nomination are Jim Wright, Vincent Cook, Kaleigh Thornton and Steve Mlujeak.

Jim Wright

I am seeking to serve a second two year term on the FBRA board of directors. 

After a twenty year amateur masters racing career ended for me in 2012 due to too many traumatic shoulder injuries, I looked for other ways to stay involved in the sport that I love so much.  I had served as a race promoter and race official and decided that being an official was where I would serve.  After a couple years I was asked to serve on the FBRA board so I ran and was elected.  Below is a list of things I have personally led and implemented as FBRA board member:

·         Traveled 60 miles to the nearest Hytera dealer to have the FBRA radios program “read” so that we could have officials’ personal owned radios programmed to communicate with the seven FBRA Hytera radios.  So now we have extra radios for wheel truck drivers, EMTs and LEOs working road races increasing safety and communication leading to a smoother running, safer event with fewer surprises.

·         Purchased Blue Tooth adapters for Florida moto refs so they can communicate hands free during criterium races.  This increases safety when officials stop for an accident and only have about 30 seconds to ascertain injuries and radio back the situation to the start finish area to stop the race or report “Course is all clear”.

·         Created Florida USAC officials Face Book page “closed group”.  It has good participation with over 100 threads on real world occurrences at races.  This helps develop all officials, even those in remote location of Florida.

·         Personally purchased a two motorcycle trailer cutting promoter costs for officials travel anytime I bring another official with me to a race.  This measure has saved promoters hundreds of dollars this year alone.

·         Started a “not to interfere” (NIB) neutral feed and service support ability at selected events when temperatures are high and allows me to cover breakaways in the most important races if we have enough officials present.  We used it twice this year and already it has saved the day for at least one rider.  In one late spring road race I fed numerous riders who had missed feeds on a course without uphill feed zone location.  In the State road race while officiating the Masters A race, I was lead moto and observed a rider in the breakaway had flatted his rear tire.   After a quick swap of a wheel that I was carrying on my motorcycle he was able to regain his position in the break after a tough, unassisted chase.  He stayed in the break the entire race and eventually placed second in his age group.

·         Worked the 2017 state road race and 2017 state TT at a significantly reduced pay to ensure a higher level of quality officiating was available at these important events.

I am committed to bring highest quality officiating possible to Florida racing where ever I can.  I have worked national championship races each of the last two years.  This is important because it helps riders here in Florida be prepared for the same level of officiating they may expect to see after they invest significant training and finances to travel to nationals.  I believe it’s important to have an official on the FBRA board and working as Chief official and Moto ref gives the board “eyes” to what is happening not only at the start finish areas but what’s going on “on the road” during races.

I’d appreciate your vote for me to serve on the FBRA board of directors for another two years.

Vincent Cook

My name is Vincent Cook and I am seeking re-election to the FBRA Board of Directors.

My experience with bicycle racing began over 30 years ago while attending college at George Mason University. I have been president of various USAC Clubs from the Mid-Atlantic region to Florida. I have experience racing in all disciplines from Road to BMX, Mountain Biking, Track and Cyclocross.

As a director on the Florida Bicycle Racing Association board, I delivered on my election promises to support junior and beginner cycling by introducing new grants to support both junior talent development as well as beginner racing. I also supported grants that developed new USA Cycling Officials. I fostered good communication and tried to cultivate new ideas whenever possible. I fully believe in a united Florida, not a divided one.

Since 2015, I assumed the duties of approving permits for the Florida racing calendar. As part of my responsibilities, I worked with promoters from across the state to assemble a racing calendar for Florida that had a variety of courses, disciplines and whenever possible free of conflicts. Florida is the 3rd most populous state in the country and because of our beautiful weather we have the luxury and opportunity to race year round. I support more races among the various disciplines – as a state there are riders to support it.

Additionally, I have volunteered on USA Cycling working groups which included other Local Associations from across the country. These smaller group met once a month via conference call and talked about how to best support USA Cycling’s long term goals as well as how to overcome roadblocks. These ideas were then rolled up to our new CEO, Derek Bouchard-Hall. As an FBRA board member I believe I have supported USA Cycling’s key initiatives by helping grow the sport of cycling and encouraging rider participation at all level of events.  

Here is what I would like to see in the future:

Renewed support for juniors, beginners and womens classes. These riders are the future of our sport and deserve to have races that will allow them to progress and develop their cycling skills. Florida has been known to develop some of the top racers in the country and I’d like to continue to highlight that talent.

With the success of the FBRA Junior Talent ID Camp Grants, I would like to build on that by assembling an FBRA Junior Composite Team. This team would have riders from across the state come together under one coach and attend races like Joe Martin Stage Race and Tour of America’s Dairyland.

I would also like to see more Collegiate Cycling Teams re-established across the state. My love for cycling started here so it is dear to my heart. New clubs and riders are the genesis for our sport and are without a doubt the future of amateur bicycle racing.

Continued support of the Clean Ride Fund. I believe it is essential to provide a level playing field from which athletes of all ages and categories can compete.

I believe the depth of experience gives me a unique perspective that will continue to further the sport of bicycle racing while balancing the needs of the race promoters and racers.

Kaleigh Thornton

Hello, my name is Kaleigh Thornton and I am running for the FBRA Board to help make a difference for the cycling community in the state of Florida.

I am the wife of a former professional cyclist and mother of 2 boys who compete. I have traveled to many places within the US to provide cycling support for my family. I would love to see more family friendly cycling events in this state for everyone to attend. I have started my goal to make cycling events better in the state by co-owning a promotions company and putting on a 4 weekend racing series for four years.

I also received my USA Cycling official’s license to help make the events safe and fair for all the participants. I have received my helmet fitting certification from the FDOT. Within the last 3 years I have provided events within my community to give free helmets and bicycle lights and offer bicycle safety talks to children. 

I believe the FBRA board needs a female voice to speak for women within the sport. I would love the opportunity to be on the FBRA Board to bring my experience and passion to Florida Cycling.

Steve Mlujeak

My Name is Steve Mlujeak I am running for the Florida Bicycle Association board of directors.  I have been involved in the sport for over 25 years as a full time athlete and a coach, racing road, track, MT bike and Cyclocross.

I am the owner of Top Step Cycling, a full time level 2 USAC coach, team coach and director of the Interactive Metronome Development team, as well as coaching many private cyclist and multisport athletes.

I’m running for the board with the hope of improving safety at our USAC events establishing a safety committee to develop idea’s that can be put in place to ensure that  our open road races and other venues are as safe as possible for our competitors. As the director of a development, team with young athletes for the last 5 years, safety is a big concern of mine.  I would also like to be a voice for the Brian Piccolo Park Velodrome and junior development programs working with the FBRA and USAC to establish and build a long-term scholastic development program within the FBRA.

Thank you for considering me to represent you on the FBRA Board of directors