2019 FBRA Board Nominations


Notice of Nominations and Elections Annual Process – the FBRA will be holding its Board of Directors Nominations and Elections beginning November 27, 2018 in accordance with the Association’s Bylaws Article 5.1.3. Please review the following process, participate, and ask any questions to ensure that you have a voice in selecting the individuals to best represent your Local Association. The FBRA belongs to every member holding a USA Cycling road (road, track, cyclocross), race director, coach, or official’s license and residing in Florida as shown on your USAC license.


As you consider your nomination or acceptance of a Board position, please consider the duties of each Board member. Directors should be willing to contribute to the workload of the association, which includes meetings, conference calls, drafting documents, formulating plans and programs, heading up committees, and many other duties.  It is important that board members are able to take on responsibilities including accounting for a nonprofit organization. It is the obligation of all directors to equitably represent all parts of the state and the disciplines of road, track and cyclocross that the FBRA represents.  All elected Board members must take and pass the USOC SafeSport Program and pass a criminal background check approved by USA Cycling.


The FBRA Board is comprised of 7 members that each serve for a two year term. This year there are 4 Board members remaining to serve the second year of their two year term – Vince Cook, Jim Wright, Kaleigh Thornton and Steve Mlujeak. There will need to be three Directors elected to the Board. These elections will be overseen by Stuart Lamp, the Southeast Regional Coordinator for USA Cycling. All nominations must be sent to .


Nominee Qualifications

  •        A Nominee must hold a current USA Cycling road (road, track, cyclocross), race director, coaching, or official’s license and reside in Florida as shown on their USAC license.
  •        A Nominee must be a natural person of at least 18 years of age, hold one of the above licenses in good standing, and who has never been convicted (including voluntary pleas or nolo contendere) of a felony or equivalent crime.
  •      A Nominee cannot act as race director / organizer of a USA Cycling non-sanctioned competitive cycling related event.


Nominations – accepted from Nov 27 until Dec 4 at 11:59 PM.

  •  Please email nominations to [email protected] including the individual’s name, license number, and email address of your Nominee, as well as your name and license number. You may nominate up to 3 individuals. Please get acceptance of those that you nominate prior to submission.
  • Nominees will be contacted and requested to submit a resume and platform.  Nominee acceptance and platform must be received by Dec. 4 at 11:59 AM to be placed on the ballot.
  • The Board will be provided a list of all Nominees on Dec 5.
  • All Nominees and their resumes will be posted for your consideration at the association’s website, and announced in an e-mail on Dec 5.

Election Voting - from Dec 17 until Dec 30 at 11:59 PM

  • You must hold a current USAC licensed rider, official, or race director residing in the state of Florida as per your USAC license to participate in this process. Riders must hold a road license which covers the disciplines of road, cyclocross, and track, the disciplines that the FBRA represents for USA Cycling in Florida.
  • Your vote must be submitted from the email address that is registered with your account at USA Cycling to certify your vote.
  • You may vote once for up to three (3) Nominees
  • Please email your “VOTE” for the listed Nominees directly to .
  • Please include your name, e-mail address, and USAC license number on your email vote. Your vote must be sent from your e-mail address as listed on your USAC license in order to certify your vote.
  • Voting Results – USA Cycling will provide the FBRA results by Dec 31.  Those elected will be informed and the results posted in an email to the membership and on the FBRA website.

Board Meeting and Election of Officers

  • New Board positions become effective Jan 1, 2019.
  • The Directors will elect their Officers at the annual Board Meeting, details on location and date to be decided.
  • The new Board will communicate via email and online all decisions regarding the FBRA’s Rules & Regulations, Budget, Programs, and any other official business through email and posting on the myFBRA.org website.

Please contact your current FBRA Directors with any questions and/or suggestions.