2017 Election Results To Be Recounted

On Monday December 5th it was brought to the attention of the Board of Directors that some votes were not tabulated in the 2017 election results. The board began looking into these inquiries this afternoon and after some investigating it was found that some votes were accidently re-directed to a second e-mail address. Our Regional [...]

Announcing the New 2017 FBRA Board of Directors


Congratulations to the following nominees who have been elected to the 2017 FBRA Board of Directors: Darren Dowling Ryan Woodall Carl Sundquist The 3 newly elected members will serve for two years and join Vincent Cook, Jim Wright, Tish Kelly and Ryan Saylor who will be remaining for the second year of their two-year term. The vote tally for this [...]

Vote Now for the 2017 FBRA Board of Directors


VOTING IS OPEN You must hold an “active” USAC road rider, official, or race director license residing in the state of Florida as per your USAC license to participate in this process. Riders must hold a road license which covers the disciplines of road, cyclocross, and track, the disciplines that the FBRA represents for USA [...]

VeloNews Podcast, ep. 2: Why do amateurs dope?


FBRA President Jared Zimlin shares his thoughts with executive editor Fred Dreier, along with news director Spencer Powlison and senior editor Caley Fretz. For episode 2, they try to make sense of the concerning trend of amateur doping and whether the increased testing will solve the problem, Read more at http://velonews.competitor.com/2016/11/podcast/velonews-podcast-ep-2-can-sagan-keep-winning-why-do-amateurs-dope_424182#B043HAD6BgxHF7va.99

Thrown Into The Deep End


How USA Cycling grooms U23 men and women into success stories, with a look at Emma White, Adrien Costa and Greg Daniel by Mary Topping Adjusting to the Under 23 ranks may well constitute the toughest step up in a competitive road cycling career. At a time of continuing physical and mental growth, young men [...]


TO ALL FLORIDA ROAD USA CYCLING LICENSE HOLDERS     Notice of Nominations and Elections Annual Process – the FBRA will be holding its Board of Directors Nominations and Elections beginning November 3, 2015 in accordance with the Association’s Bylaws Article 5.1.3. Please review the following process, participate, and ask any questions to ensure that you [...]

CEO Blog: Cross is here!

Being a New Englander, I developed an affection for cyclocross back in the 90’s during the tail end of my professional racing career . While I primarily raced road and track, I took advantage of the strong regional cross scene in the winter and tried to keep up with legends like the McCormick brothers, Jonathan [...]

September 2016 RaceClean Update

With six more anti-doping tests conducted at the amateur level in September, we are only four tests away from our year-end goal of 135. We’ll surely exceed this goal as we continue to strive in the last months of the year to create a culture of clean sport. Creating this culture has to start with [...]

State Road Championships for 2017 Announced


The FBRA would like to thank all of the individuals who submitted bids this year! It was a tough decision to make – here are the winning bids!   State Time Trial – April 2, 2017 Times Powers Park – Indiantown, Florida – sponsored by Miami Masters   State Criterium Championships – April 22&23, 2017 [...]

New USA Cycling Membership Benefit from SiS

SiS logo

USA Cycling has partnered with Science in Sport (SiS) this year to provide our athletes with world-class hydration products, recovery drinks, and energy gels.  SiS is a tremendous complement to our fantastic nutritional partner, Bonk Breaker and we are excited to have them on the team. To celebrate, SiS is offering USA Cycling members a 20% [...]